At LRBC we believe that developing a meaningful, transforming relationship with God is vital to who we are as human beings. At our very core, we are meant to know God, to love God, and live in deep connection to Him. It's where we find fulfilment, purpose, and become all that we are meant to be - it's whole life - how we live our best lives. And we believe that happens in three ways: it's about "being with".
We show this in three ways Deeper Closer Wider - a life of worship, discipleship, mission - repeat!
We want to grow in our understanding of who God is, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and with Him at the centre of our life.
- This is about our spiritual life. It's about growing and developing the faith of all those already connected to LRBC in some way. It's about growing deeper in our individual and together journeys of faith in what we know, who we are, and what we do, with prayerful dependence on God in all things. It's about worship, following Jesus and being empowered by the Holy Spirit. This is about being with God.
We want to do this by being and doing community, a multi-age and inclusive group of people who build each other up in our walk of life, work, love and faith, serving one another.
- This is about LRBC as family and community. In a larger Church it's easy to come and go and not get beyond the "hello, good morning or good to see you" stage. Closer is about being and doing church in various ways, through small groups, meals, social activities and interest groups, lingering or "hanging out" together. This is about being with each other.
We want to be and share the message of God in all aspects of our lives, being the "hands and feet of Christ" by playing our part in our neighbourhoods and the town of Leigh-on-Sea, our places of work and beyond.
- This is about reaching out to all ages with a view to meeting real needs, both practical and spiritual. It's about equipping each other to be conduits of grace in our various neighbourhoods, places of work and leisure by transforming these communities one conversation, one relationship at a time. This is about being with others and channelling God's grace to others.